Two weeks in South Asia ended in touching American soil last Sunday. After 30 hours of flying, a couple days at a cabin in the country with my adopted family, four days of battling strep throat, officially moving out to the country (while sick), a weekend of traveling to St. Louis and seeing friends and family going non-stop, another 5 hour drive back, here I am...back to "normal" life in Arkansas. This past week has been a blur.
The only abnormal thing lingering still—waking up with the sun. Oh, the joys of jet lag.
I miss India. So much.
I often find myself drifting off, allowing my head to go back to India, only wishing my body could go with it. But I will trust in Jesus—in the perfection of where He has me right now, in the perfection of His plan. I know He is good and He is faithful. He did crazy things during my 2 weeks on the other side of the world. He revealed Himself to me in ways I could have never even begged for because I simply didn't know even my own need—but He did.
The simple summary of this foreign land: the most dirty, impoverished, colorful place I have ever laid eyes on.
The not so simple summary of India: to be continued.
I wrote a lot during my two weeks abroad and look forward to sharing more about my time in South Asia in the days and weeks to come.
For all of you supporters and prayer warriors, all I can say is how incredibly thankful I am for you. Keep praying for the beautiful yet broken people of this nation...that they might know the ONE true Lord God.
Pray that they might know His grace above all else. Pray that we might all know it, really.
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